Wednesday, July 25, 2012

3, 2, 1 ... Terre-Neuve!

3 days, just 3 days!!! The packing has begun as of Tuesday night. I simply couldn't wait any longer. My justification was that Friday would be too busy and Saturday is the day I leave, so naturally Tuesday night made the most sense, packing-wise. Today (Wednesday) I continued on and have over half of my things ready to go. I think this is the most organized I've ever packed coming home from a trip. I guess that's because I'm only too happy to be leaving.

Okay, so the organization isn't really obvious in this picture, but I swear, those suitcases are packed down to a science!

It's interesting to note that everyone I've spoken to thinks it's ridiculous that I have 4 suitcases. Apparently, that's not normal...

Over the past week myself and two other students have been working on a project for our Educational Games workshop. The project is called a "Chasse aux Photos" which basically means we have a list of stuff we need to take pictures of, with us in the the pictures too. It's a lot of work with no real value. Lovely.

Anyhow, here are a few pictures of the project:

On our hunt we found this little monster. Over 10 lbs!

I touched it! Kayla was too afraid.

And finally, the sign with which every Anglophone visiting the region of Clare wants a picture:
(*Note: I totally just rearranged the previous sentence so it didn't end in a preposition. My French grammar skillz are transferable apparently, although I am forgetting how to spell in English lately.)

Grosses Coques

This is hilarious to English-speaking people. In reality "coques" are a type of seafood famous to the region.

And that's all for now!




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